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Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that we're taking our last ever "pre-baby" vacation! My parents have graciously paid our way to go on a family cruise vacation and we're getting on the boat in just a few hours! 

I won't have internet service, so I just wanted to announce to you guys beforehand that I'll be gone for a week.

I've scheduled Jackary Archives posts through the end of the month, so you'll still be getting those!

Unfortunately, I won't be able to do a Monday Patreon drawing this week. I'm sorry!

Furthermore, there's also a good chance I won't be able to do a drawing on the Monday after that because I'll be settling in back at home (or maybe still traveling back), but I will definitely still be doing a poll drawing during that week, maybe just a few days later!

Thanks for everything everyone, and prepare yoselves for my official Patreon 2.0 rollout soon!


My Name is Lamp

Hell yeah! Enjoy the vacation dude!


Enjoy your vacation!


Woot! Safe travels, have fun, and rest well!


Travel safe and have a great time!