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For Day 13, I don't have art to post, but I did want to kickstart a new type of post I'd like to start making more often: Let's Chat.

While I know most of you are just here for my art (and that's fine, that's why my Patreon exists!) I know that there are plenty of people who would like to get to know me better personally. Unfortunately, due to how busy and ADHD I am, I'm pretty bad at maintaining DMs and replying to Twitter comments, especially because there are often so many.

Let's Chat is something I'll be offering to Patrons where I give some kind of prompt, and you can leave a comment with your thoughts. I will respond to EVERY comment and we can go back and forth! I'd like to build a sense of community and camaraderie with you guys and I hope this will help to do that.

Today's Prompt: How are you feeling about Tears of the Kingdom? 

You can answer whether or not you've played the game, but please, no spoilers! 



I never learn so I ordered the CE of Zelda from GameStop and no surprise it was delayed on shipping till today so hopefully when I get off work I will have a nice surprise waiting for me in my mailbox

Zach H

Nnnooooo! Unfortunately, with Nintendo CEs, you often just have to snag it from the first retailer you can, because that might be your only window to grab it. Does Gamestop offer store pickup? I prefer doing it that way (I usually order from Best Buy) because it usually ensures that the game arrives on launch day, and you can just go in and grab it right when they open instead of chancing a late delivery. Fortunately I only have to worry about this when I order CEs... if I'm just picking up the base retail copy I don't bother with preorders


Overall, TOTK has been really good. I’ve been enjoying it and been running around the overworld doing absolutely nothing productive to the story. However…as much as I’m enjoying it, I gotta say, it’s not nearly as magical feeling as BOTW. I guess it’s cause it’s more or less the same game, but the awe I had from finding the new things in BOTW isn’t really there


I have NEVER had any problems getting anything from GameStop until this year. Ordered the Fire Emblem CE and it never got delivered took me over a month to finally get my money (I was so mad I didn’t even get the base game) I wanted to order Zelda CE from Best Buy but they sold out to quickly so I freaked out and just ordered through GS. THIS WILL BE THE LAST TIME! (He says knowing it won’t) UPDATE! So I got to run home on my lunch break and waiting for me was a nice new package and inside was Zelda CE! I popped it into my Switch and started the update. Now once I get home nothing will stop me from playing all night long!


I haven’t been able to pull myself away from TotK. I’ve absolutely enjoyed it so far. I’ve spent most of my time doing side missions so far and trying to get better gear. My goal for last night was trying to find the side mission to get the wingsuit and find the master sword(finally found them and not spoiling how). The wingsuit really helps so far. Also, I still want to say that Purah really surprised me. I know I’ve seen the Hyrule Warriors version of her but it still threw me off…for obvious reasons. I also keep trying to scan my Amiibo NFC tags to try and get the final piece of my Fierce Deity outfit. Just need the headpiece but it’s really starting to aggravate me😂. I at least still have the twilight outfit though. Kinda want the S.S. Outfit. I feel like it fits this game.


Loving it. Beat one of the dungeons so far, the world is so Big and it doesn't really feel like BotW map to at all.


I found a part of the wingsuit in a cave shrine thingy. Not challenge shrine. But it was a small red tori-gate looking thing with a chest in the middle of it

Travis Hymas

I’m working on a full review for the site I edit for, but so far I like it for the most part - surprise, more of a game that has compelled an entire medium is still overall enjoyable! I like that I’ve played a bunch while not really scratching the surface and have that feel exciting rather than overwhelming. That said, I can’t help but feel like the new powers are solutions looking for problems and as a result it's pretty messy. Ultrahand is jank more often than not and while it’s funny to put a barrel on a stick, I’ve found myself killed multiple times simply trying to fiddle around with materials in a menu that only bloats the more one plays. Compared to BOTW’s runes, the runes are downright elegant and the hand powers play like something made by a team trying to over-engineer a knock off. Getting the hang of it can be rewarding, but I sincerely question how anyone not well versed in games and/or have mobility issues are supposed to play it at all.


Ok, that peaked my interest. I saw something about those cave shrine things being where you got the fierce deity armor without the amiibo. Not like it will spoil anything story wise(mainly just meant not spoiling the master sword) but I got the pieces from diving challenges on three different sky islands. I think I also saw that if you upgrade all the pieces to level 2 you won’t have fall damage while wearing the suit. Not sure on that one though. I didn’t think you would be able to get it anywhere other than the challenge.


I'm loving it. Spent nearly every waking hour since it came out derping around. My only gripes are the horse mechanics (Nintendo pls stop, horses are never fun) and that it feels like BotW might be retired for me. The world is so big and creative that I can't see myself going back to a more limited version of Hyrule.


I'm honestly super torn on TotK. The exploration is as good as BotW was and I'm reaching a point where the story is actually starting to get interesting, but the heavy reliance on the ultrahand and weird physics puzzles isn't really doing it for me. =\ It's a very weird position to be in tbh like half the game is 9/10 and the other half is like. 4.


Decided against it the moment "all your weapons can break and there is no repair mechanic" was confirmed to be in this one too. Hardcore dealbreaker that stopped me from even finishing BotW.


Haven't had a chance yet, as I'm finishing Future Redeemed 1st; but excited to once I'm done


Wishing I had free time to game more.


I’ve been exploring the underground for days and have no desire to come back to the surface world. Send help

Zach H

How do you feel about the dungeons? This is a really unpopular opinion (apparently?) but I actually like the BOTW/TOTK take on dungeons. Instead of a linear gauntlet of puzzles that can be solved exactly one way, you really have to "figure out" the lay of the dungeon and decide how you're going to tackle it. I think there's still room for improvement with this formula, but I really enjoyed the two that I've done so far.

Zach H

Your opinion is totally valid! Even if I disagree a little bit haha. I feel like the Hand Powers are pretty well-implemented, especially Ultrahand, which feels incredibly intuitive to me. My wife, who games more than the average non-gamer, but isn't really a gamer per se, picked it up without a second thought and I've seen her engineer wildly creative solutions to problems. I think the game has done a really good job at presenting such a complex system to the player in a simple and easy-to-understand way. I do think Fuse is a bit more clumsy. We're all collectively scratching our heads at the BIZARRE decision to not include De-Fuse in the shortcut menu; it can be a bit clunky. I also don't love certain things, like having to tap your materials menu every single time you use an arrow or throw something. But overall, I'm loving the powers in this game. I think they would have seemed bizarre and out of place if BOTW shipped with these abilities, but given that it introduced us to a physics sandbox style of play that we eventually got accustomed to, Ultrahand doesn't feel too crazy or gimmicky to me.

Zach H

It's honestly CRAZY how this game outdoes BOTW in basically every single conceivable aspect. I usually like it when sequels are different enough to not make their predecessor obsolete, but after digging into TOTK, I really do find myself wondering why I would ever return to BOTW. I think the one single advantage BOTW may have is its solitude and ambience. TOTK's world is much more bustling, and its systems inherently more silly and ridiculous. In that sense, you kind of lose the serious, meditative feel that pervaded much of BOTW's exploration. I have to keep a "serious" weapon and shield at all times for aesthetic when I'm exploring to retain the immersion in TOTK haha

Zach H

I do find myself surprised at how prevalent Ultrahand mechanics are through the whole game! Though that being said, I think the game does a good job at letting the player decide how crazy they will get with it. For players who don't jive with it, they can pretty easily get away with just moving objects around and making extremely basic vehicles when the time calls for it. Although I myself do love the Ultrahand from a gameplay perspective, one criticism I have of it is that it definitely messes with the vibe haha. Seeing the absurd shit that comes from Fuse and Ultrahand definitely makes the game feel less serious xD

Zach H

B R U H what aspect of it is dealbreaking? I know weapon durability wasn't popular with a lot of people but mannnn this game just completely showers you with weapons. Also, the crux of the weapon system in this game is Fusing monster parts to base weapon parts, so the Fuse items are much more important than the weapons themselves. I enjoy it, because instead of discouraging combat like in BOTW where you often don't want to engage because the rewards are trivial and you'll break your weapons, it encourages combat because you'll get more juicy stuff from each encounter. Got a surplus of Bokoblin horns? Nah, that just means you now have a big stock of high damage arrows son

Zach H


Zach H

I've heard Future Redeemed is very good though! Unfortunately I never finished XB3 D:

Zach H

the only reason I'm getting away with it is because my wife is also obsessed! We've been spending basically every waking hour playing it lmao BUT this cannot last for long. I hope you find some time to dig in!

Zach H

I KEEP GETTING SUCKED INTO THE UNDERGROUND AND I NEVER LEAVE, IT IS SO ADDICTING Can we talk about how absolutely insane the Depths are? Such a cool part of the game and it was completely hidden from the game's marketing. I've never seen such a vast underground expanse in any game, and it's so goddamn COOL how it's functionally pitch black. The only things you can see in the distant darkness are things that are producing light in some way, but there's no faux lighting like you get in the caves and stuff. It's so cool you have to light your way and explore. I've run into some scary surprises down there and it's AMAZING


> B R U H what aspect of it is dealbreaking? > discouraging combat like in BOTW You asked and answered :D I said it was dealbreaking *in BotW*, and you explain why. I understand they changed the system a bit in TotK, but just hearing it was still in made me skip it. I know for many it is amazing, for me it was a reason to not buy. And I know Nintendo knew that was going to be divisive when they made the choice to keep the system. I am not saying TotK is bad, or that anyone should not play it. Just isn't for me.


How is it? I figured you'd disappear for a while once it came out. I wasn't a big fan of BotW, and I'm wondering how similar it is. But I assume it's still pretty open, which means it's probably not for me.


Oh my god I wanna say so many things I’ve seen in the underground but no else I’ve talked to has explored them as much as I have! So many cool secrets and things to find. It’s like a whole new game on top of a the same brand new game! I just can’t get over it. They somehow made this already immersive and amazing game even more immersive and amazing. Someone told me too that each light source is exactly where a shrine is in the overworld… idk how accurate that is, but if so then goddamn Nintendo. Well done *round of applause*


The one I beat felt short, but the puzzles were fun and I was able to figure the whole thing out without a guide. Then the boss battle was one of the most fun I've ever had with a boss battle. So in general, I like the one dungeon I've been through. This one wasn't linear at all. I started in the middle and had to figure out several things to unlock in order to get the final boss. You could do then in any order. It was fun finding out how to get into certain areas. I do like the BotW/TotK dungeons and shrines. The shrines are like tiny dungeons. Then the dungeons aren't as massively or linear as previous Zelda games so it's nice that you can beat a dungeon in one sitting. Also - on the surface, if there's a shrine, directly underneath it is a light root.

Zach H

I am absolutely LOVING it and it has, unfortunately, caused me to disappear a bit lmao As far as similarities, well, it's VERY similar in most ways... sometimes to its benefit, and sometimes to an extent that feels a little disappointing. The foundational systems are all there -- revealing map data with towers, shrines all over the world that provide orbs that you can trade for hearts/stamina, Korok seeds, the same combat system and UI, etc. It definitely feels like you're playing an extension of BOTW. And on the other hand, the way that it's different is that it's just so DENSE. The game is filled with so many things to do that it makes BOTW feel like a desert. There's the whole region of sky islands above Hyrule, and something big that they never mentioned in the marketing -- an entire connected underground region the same size as the surface map. It's pitch black except for the light you bring yourself, and it is JAM PACKED with secrets and entry points all over the surface.

Zach H

the Depths are deadass one of the coolest things I've ever seen in a game. I've explored them a decent amount, and at the same time, barely at all. I simply can't wait to find out what kinds of other secrets are down there. It's so fun exploring and having absolutely no idea what you're going to find. Absolutely insane they completely hid it from the marketing. And I can confirm that the root trees are in the same spots as shrines haha