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Hey guys, a lot of you probably noticed this month was pretty slow for me. It started off well! But then it kind of got away from me.

To compensate for the lack of content, I'm including 23 bonus images in April's Patreon bundle, containing lewds and variants for eight older drawings! The drawings you see here are the ones represented in your bonus folder.

Sorry if you've already subbed to all my previous NSFW content and therefore don't see anything new here. But May should be much better!


  • Sales and Merchandise Rush: I have to raise $10k by mid-July or me and my wife will be financially turbofucked. So I started selling a new product every day on my store this month. Orders piled up, and it ended up taking a LONG time to fulfill them. This chopped out mid-April.
  • Prepping for my Wife's New Job: My wife got a new job, and we're quite excited! She just started, but there was a week or two where she was off, and we decided to take much of that time for quality time, and fulfilling overdue adult responsibilities while we had the time. We also took a nice little camping trip.
  • Family Shit and Life Responsibilities: To the days I didn't lose to the above, I lost most of the rest of the days attending to family stuff and important stuff IRL. Me and Jess have had a rough few months, and although things are looking up, there are still days that get away from us.


Due to the nature of my wife's new job, my own schedule will be MUCH more consistent, regular, and full of time, which will allow me to get a lot more art done. I would consider you to consider sticking around because I think May is going to be great! 






Ohoho that last one is a rare Jackary drawing. Haven’t seen that one yet. Who she is? She looks familiar


Also mega congrats to Jess! Glad to hear she found herself a new job!


Glad everything's working out now, but don't worry about taking it slow or whatever. We're here to support you just as much (if not more than) as the arts.


Appreciate the open communication, and since I'm still p new here the bonuses will be new to me too. =P Good luck to your wife at her new job! I hope you two can turn things around going forward. 💚

Zach H

it is indeed ohohoho, I consider it part of my "old" art that I'm not as proud of but I looked at it and felt it held up pretty well so here we are LOL and it's Tana from Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones!


Who’s the character in the nurse outfit and in the last one?

PolkuCow (Josef)

I appreciate the openess and honesty. Part of the reason I continue to follow you. You feel like a real human being and not some machine made to only do art. You've had a rough few months but have always tried your best and I believe I'm not the only one who sees that effort. I wish you guys the best and best of luck with the new job! Keep being you and doing what you gotta do. I'll continue to follow this journey


Wishing y’all luck on your future endeavors. Take care

Zach H

That means so much to me! Although there are people who drop out during slow periods, I'm really grateful to all you real ones who stick around <3

Zach H

You're in for a lot of new surprises then! Hope you enjoy the bonus content hehe and also thank you!

Zach H

tsunade from Naruto LOL and the last one is Tana from Fire Emblem Sacred Stones!

Zach H

Thanks man, I try to be as productive as possible but my life circumstances just don't allow me to be one of those ultra-productive Patreon artists who can post stuff like every day x_x thanks for keeping it real man, your support is always appreciated!

PolkuCow (Josef)

Life stuff happens and thats okay. If life didnt get in the way of work, would it really be work? Jkjk. I'll always be supporting ya