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So, I've already posted Twili Zelda before, but to be honest, I wasn't totally happy with how she turned out. Something about the face wasn't working for me, and her hairline was all kinds of wack. I could also see some other issues and I decided I couldn't let it rest, because I really liked the potential of this drawing. So I've made some adjustments, and this drawing is finally where I'd like it to be! I was originally disappointed, but now I'm really happy with it. :)

I've included all variations that I originally posted. Enjoy!


  • reduced Zelda's size on canvas 
  • increased her head size relative to body 
  • various adjustments to eyes - size, angle, lashes, spacing 
  • gave her a smile 
  • slightly raised eyebrows 
  • completely redrew hairline and upper hair 
  • changed her ornamental headdress to be compatible with hairline changes 
  • lowered her breasts further down on her chest 
  • increased breast size in nude version to be more accurate to cleavage in clothed version (not really consistent with her official art but ah well)
  • minor adjustments to screen-right hand
  • background color changes and 



PolkuCow (Josef)

I didn’t think this art piece could get better and then you’ve gone and done it. I love it even more now!!!


I honestly love both the old and new versions of this drawing. With the changes you made to make the new version, it gives both a completely different tone to me. The original had a more serious kinda look/tone to me and this one has a lighter/lighthearted tone. Probably gonna get prints to this one to have both side by side in my book.


The crownless version changes the whole vibe. Which I'm into, but I feel bad about since the crown looks great and had a lot of work put into it.


Beautiful. I love how soft and cuddly you draw the ladies. Have you ever considered drawing Lum from Urusei Yatsura, or my favorites, Bulla and Marron from Dragon Ball GT? They’d look lovely with your style. Bulla’s my forever waifu. 🥰

Zach H

I haven't seen those, so unfortunately, I haven't! However, I will soon be taking character requests semi-regularly, and I'll be choosing the winners randomly so everyone has a fair shot. You can always nominate them if you want to possibly see them get drawn ;)

Zach H

I put a lot of work into making the layers separable, so have no guilt in admiring the crownless version hehe

Zach H

thank you! I didn't originally intend for her to smile, but my headcanon is that this would be in a theoretical scenario where Hylians and Twili have a peaceful relationship, and in such a reality where the Twili are custom-designing outfits for Hyrule's princess, she probably has something to smile about instead of looking stoic all the time LOL

Zach H

thank you! I really loved the potential of this piece but tbh I felt like it missed its mark and it's REALLY frustrating as an artist when you don't stick the landing on a piece that you were in love with in WIP stages. but after the changes I really, really like it! so we're all winners now hehe


I’ve actually never seen Lum in her show either. But you’d probably recognize her if you saw her.


Got my prints today and wanted to say thank you for them. I loved seeing the new Twili Zelda in the front of the stack as soon as I opened the envelope. Can’t wait to add them into my print book.

PolkuCow (Josef)

I understand that and have definitely been there myself. I’m glad you enjoy it more now!