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Hey everyone, for a long time, I've been wanting to gather your feedback about how to improve my Patreon. Given the strange nature of my queue and backlog, it's been more complicated than I anticipated giving you guys frequent content and keeping this place consistent. Now that it's been a while, I'd love to get your feedback on how I can improve my Patreon, and what your preferences are in regards to certain things.

The first question I have for you is this: In an ideal world, how often would you want me to be posting here?

I have this weird fear that if I post too much, without the updates being substantial, people will get tired of the "spam" from getting Patreon notifications all the time. But also, if I never post at all, obviously I'm going to lose a lot of Patrons. So I figured I'd just ask you guys instead!

Obviously I don't always have brand new content to share every day, so if I increase my posting frequency, don't worry, it's not like I'm going to start killing myself to always be producing new art. But I'd probably start introducing a bigger variety of different types of posts, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • WIPs of all types
  • Finished art (duh)
  • Old art (including lewds)
  • Discussion prompts/chatting posts (so I can get to know you guys better!)
  • Polls 
  • Sales
  • Any other fun ideas that I (or you) think of!



I voted "once a week" because I feel like that's a good baseline to keep folks updated on WIPs, upcoming arts/projects/etc. that also doesn't represent such a huge timesink that it takes away from your art time. That said, I'm also 100% in the "whatever pace feels best for you" camp too.


I voted for no such thing as too much mostly because as long as there is some sort of consistency then you're doing amazing. Be it every day, every week, twice a week, etc. The only issue I can imagine you may run into is if you decide on a once a month timeframe, or something like that (like some people I'm subbed to) you may be pushed to drop your price