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The Corrin megapost has arrived! And let me tell you, she has tried on a LOT of different pairs of bras and underwear. There are over 100 different color variations of Corrin in her underwear, including all custom versions requested by you guys specifically!

If you requested your own custom Corrin, you'll find it in the "Patreon Requests" zip folders, labeled as your Patreon username. Let me know if I got it right! (or if I somehow missed your request -- pretty sure I got 'em all, but stuff happens)

NOTE: Some custom requests have multiple versions. This may be because an aspect of your request didn't work very well, causing me to provide some similar alternates. Or, I may have given you one with/without tights, or maybe I just saw an opportunity to make a second version with a change that I thought looked nice.

All of these files will be included in the September end-of-month Patreon Bundle.




Wow. What a way to spend your first month on Patreon! It feels like you treated all of us better than we deserve. Thank you so much for doing this, Jackary!