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I've finally finished the foundational work for Pastel Goth Zelda... and you guys are the first to see her! 

NOTE: Although this is the "finished" version, I still need to create the SFW version where she's clothed. In the process, I may add more finishing touches or make certain changes. The FINAL version of this drawing will be included in the end-of-month Patreon bundle.

Also... This is just the base for a "normal" Zelda! I haven't made the pastel goth edits to her base yet, so those will also be included in the end-of-month bundle as well. Pale skin, lighter (colored) hair, maybe some lipstick and tattoos... the works ;)




oh my god i am way too gay to deal with this ʰᵉˡᵖ

Tom Ford

This is amazing, great work!

Zach H

😅😅😅 you're really gonna be in trouble soon then because I'm drawing her pants right now and she looks G O O D in them