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For today's Archives Post, here's an older drawing that I have pretty mixed feelings about -- Tifa from Final Fantasy VII in an 80s workout outfit!


Oof, this drawing. I'm sharing it with you for the sake of uploading my full backlog here, but if you've never seen me repost it before, there's a reason why -- I just didn't get her face right, and it's repelled me from sharing this picture very often in the years since.

In other Archives posts, I've noted that 2019 was my worst year, because I was in a style limbo where I hadn't quite developed the strengths of my signature style, but I was moving away from the traits that made my old style unique. It wasn't until mid-to-late 2020 where I finally "figured it out," and this one, as an earlier 2020 piece, still exhibits some of the weaknesses from my 2020 work.

Mainly, I had reached a point where my rendering was getting more and more detailed, but I had no idea how to reconcile this with anime faces, so my faces ended up in a weird uncanny valley where they were like, half anime, half semi-realistic, and I didn't know how to stylize it well enough to make it work. This is one of the clearest examples! I really like this piece from the mouth down, but I think her face is just a little too weird here.

Maybe you're not as critical as I am! And if not, I hope you enjoy this piece LOL

Can we at least agree I got the boobs right?




I see Tifa busting out of an 80's Jazzercize outfit, I click like!


Still pleasant to look at