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Today's Archives Post is Ahri from League of Legends, doing the ol' Jacko pose trend that circulated around a few years ago!

This isn't the first time you've seen this one -- not too long ago, she appeared on the Archives wearing some lingerie, so here she is with outfit #2!


I don't hate this drawing, but I don't love it. The Jacko pose, while fun, was a bit too on-the-nose for me, as someone who likes to draw sexy stuff, but with a bit more subtlety. But it's what the commissioner wanted, and fortunately, a lot of people told me this was one of the nicer Jacko poses they had seen, despite my ambivalence toward this drawing. I dunno! It's aight.

Ahri is one of those characters I've drawn a couple times, but still feel like I haven't quite done her justice. But what do YOU think?! Maybe a Jacko pose is just what the doctor ordered today.




I’m mostly glad the tail is placed in the correct spot. When I see that it tickles just the right spot in my brain