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Oh my, it's another bondage artwork! I swear I'm not becoming a full-time bondage artist or something -- this is just piece #2 from the same anonymous individual who commissioned that tied-up Aqua I recently posted!

It's Aerith's turn this time, and boy is she tied up tight!

This post includes all NUDE versions of this artwork.

There are two flavors of Aerith here -- some variants where she's quite enjoying her little plight, and others where she's feeling a bit more distressed about it. I know not everyone here signed up for bondage pics, so I apologize if the latter variants come off a little strong, but thank you for sticking around!

This may be the last bondage artwork for a while, as I don't have any more tied up girls in my queue at the moment. If you're interested seeing more, let me know in the comments or feel free to inquire privately about commissions! (I probably won't add anything to my queue at the moment but I'm always open to inquiries so that I can potentially come back to them!)




I know a lot of people don't like this, and that's totally fair, but this is a really great set. Though I totally understand that this isn't going to be a regular thing, and respect that.

Zach H

I personally like bondage but I generally stay away from it to keep my art more accessible and not being pigeonholed into a specific niche, but I'm glad there ARE people here who enjoy it when it comes haha I have fun drawing it but the amount of bondage work I'll take is usually directly correlated with how desperately I need to be paid, I'm a bit more flexible when the bills are knocking on the door LOL


Jackary is trying to explode my heart with this one.