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Hey everyone! If you're in the $7 tier or above, you've likely noticed I haven't been too good on fulfilling the list of daily/weekly rewards that I promised in my posting schedule. I'm going to explain what's been up with those lately, and what my plan is for May and beyond!

The ones I'm talking about specifically are the daily "extra" rewards I promised in addition to the daily Jackary Archives posts, which include:

  • GIFs

  • Timelapses

  • Process Files

  • Wallpapers

  • AMAs/Discussions

  • Weekly WIP posts

Basically, I figured these would be easy to generate on a daily basis, but I quickly found it a bit overwhelming having to decide on that content every day, pick it, generate it, and post it -- in addition to keeping up with all my art and merchandise orders.

The thing is, these aren't difficult things to create and post. But I've found that in order for them to work, I need to plan them out and schedule them in advance. So these rewards will return in May! Thank you for your patience, and obviously, I wouldn't be offended if you unsub or downgrade if you feel like you weren't getting what you were promised. That is within your right!

Note: Jackary Archives Posts will continue to be posted each day, and I'll be posting some WIPs and probably another AMA before the month ends.



Don't burn yourself down. It's good to evaluate, regroup and get your footing especially considering what you've had going on the last 18 months.


With the amount of posts from archives and unseen alternative versions and then hecking 198 Zelda post recently i didn't even notice there were no specific rewards

Zach H

I'm happy to see there's appreciation for the Archives posts! I had hoped they would help to keep things interested in the periods where I'm working on new pieces and don't have new art to post