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Sorry it's been so long since my last WIP dump! Unfortunately countless interruptions have happened IRL that have prevented me from being able to draw as much as I'd like to, so progress has been slow on several pieces.

Anyway, here's what I'm working on! Drawings are listed from oldest to newest.

Note: These are NEW WIPs, but they don't represent all of the pieces I'm working on. For WIPs that are still active but haven't been updated since the last time[s] I posted, please refer to the last two WIP Dump posts, featured HERE and HERE

#1: OC Duo

This is a commission long in the making, and it will be the next project I finish. I intend to have this piece done within the next week!

These are two OC characters (not mine) that as of yet do not have names. But they're part of a fun project where the commissioner pitches an idea to an artist, has them draw the character, and then passes that artist's drawing to a new artist, letting them reinterpret the characters in their own way. Once the whole process is finished, it's like a game of "art telephone" where you can see how the characters evolved through each artist! Pretty cool!

#2: Aerith (and bondage alt)

Next up we have Aerith! This is a cute drawing of her in her Rebirth Swimsuit. I'm now at lines + flats stage, which is nearly complete, but not quite. Ignore the skin layer bleeding into her right eye!

Included in this WIP dump is a nude version of her, and --whoops-- a bondage alt! Like I said, the lines and flats aren't complete on these yet, so the latter will be a little more spicy. She'll have a few more restraints and look a little more distressed... though the finished batch will include a smiling version for those of you who prefer everyone to be having a good time.

To see the full extent of her bondage alt, you can check out the last WIP Dump post.

#3: Aqua Gift Pinup

This is a commission from the same individual who ordered the Aerith up above, so these will be finished at around the same time, though I've made more ground on Aerith than Aqua so far. But here's Aqua, packaged up like a gift!

The vanilla version will be what you see here -- a fairly innocent pinup pose. But this one will also have a bondage alt, which was teased in the last WIP Dump post. She's also going to have a variant with a sexy Santa outfit in the final version!

#4: Reisalin Stout (Underwear)

This hardly counts as a new WIP, since I just barely started blocking out shapes for her underwear, and aside from the basic shape of her bra, the final version is liable to be completely different, including color and shape of her panties, which I haven't settled on yet.

But I figured I'd post this one to remind you that this Ryza drawing DOES still exist lmaooo

Ryza will have have five variants: Nude, Atelier Ryza 3 outfit, underwear, cat lingerie, and sheer negligee. To see the nude and AR3 outfit versions, please refer to this WIP Dump post.

#5: Aerith and Terra Outfit Swap [NEW]

Finally, a drawing you haven't seen before! This one is in early sketch phase, so things are still coming into place and not everything is quite right yet. But in a nutshell this is going to be a duo piece featuring Aerith from FFVII and Terra from FFVI!

I relish the opportunity to draw Terra since she's a childhood favorite of mine, and being from the SNES era, she rarely ever gets fan art. This piece is going to be an outfit swap, so Aerith is wearing Terra's outfit and vice-versa.

I don't think I've quite nailed Terra's face yet, but I imagine her as a little more stoic and aloof and I hope that juxtaposes well with Aerith, who's a lot more bubbly!

There is also going to be a nude version of this drawing, and one with pastel goth outfits!

#6: Hilda - The Tragedy of Lorule [NEW]

This is also a brand new drawing, and one I'm particularly excited for! This is one of the first "moody" commissions I've gotten, where the core intention is to capture a serious, non-sexualized vibe that tells a story on its own.

This one is of Hilda from A Link Between Worlds. I LOVE Hilda's character. She's a princess who is wise and kind at heart, but in the face of her kingdom falling into ruin due to factors outside her control, she turns to anger and madness in order to save her people in a bid of sheer desperation. She has a wonderful and emotional character arc and I relish the opportunity to draw her!

This will be a high-render picture where she's looking out the window of her tower at a cursed, crumbling Lorule that's literally falling apart at its foundations after losing its Triforce. She feels sad and helpless at the state of her kingdom, but even more than that, she feels angry, and I wanted to capture that sad sorrow tinged with anger that compels her to the desperate actions that make up her villain arc. It's just a sketch right now but this piece will really come alive once I start to render it!

Fun fact: There will also be a companion piece to this drawing that features Zelda instead of Hilda! It will be a mirrored piece where Zelda is looking happily and peacefully out of her tower at a healthy and prosperous Hyrule. If I stick the landing, these pieces should look really cool next to each other!

And That's All, Folks

I will try to make sure the next WIP drop isn't so spaced apart! Thanks for reading, and let me know what your thoughts are on any of these drawings! I love seeing your comments and interacting with you guys.



PolkuCow (Josef)

I'm excited for all of these, but especially #1 and #6. #6 is the type of stuff I want to do so I know this will be a big inspiration for once done (though all your art is lets be real)


I fully endorse and celebrate the Jackary bondage era.