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Hey all!

So, I'm still in the middle of working on the remaining January rewards and some of the February rewards from folks who got their requests in early.  And to keep things lively here in the meanwhile, I wanted to do another round of "Character Kinks"!

Here's how it works, post the following in the comments:

  • Character you wanna see a post for
  • Whether you want to know their kinks or their S/O's kinks that they indulge
  • SFW or NSFW (NSFW only applies to the $5 Tier and up, since I can't post NSFW content publicly for free users)

So, for example, I might say:

Todoroki, his kinks, SFW, or Bakugou, his S/O's kinks, NSFW.

Just a note, you CAN request characters not on my pinned master list, but I'm only going to respond with characters I'm familiar with and interested in, since there's plenty of characters I just don't view through a kinky lens.  :P

And that's all!  Have fun, folks!  :)


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