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"Hhhhrraaaaaahhhhh...ohhhhhh, that feels sooooo good..."  Naruto moaned in a near-dazed state as he felt Sasuke's long, slender fingers slowly run up and down his enormous, fleshy ball of a belly.

Sasuke smirked in a sultry kind of manner as he continued his treatment.  Both boys were laying atop Naruto's mattress together.  The two secret lovers had just finished dinner, and judging from the endless stacks of empty bowls, it was a big one...but only for one of the two boys...

For as long as Sasuke had known Naruto, he'd always been a gluttonous pig.  Time and time again, he could recall the idiotic blond stuffing himself into a food coma, ever since they were kids.  And while Sasuke himself had quite an appetite, he realized early on, that he could never take his eyes off of Naruto when he ate.

He had an infinitely harder time prying his eyes away after Naruto was finished eating most of the time too.

It wasn't until recently that Sasuke came to realize how aroused he truly was at the sight of Naruto's belly, big and bloated as a balloon ready to burst.  And ever since Naruto came to realize his own feelings towards Sasuke, well, if it meant he got to eat more and more, he was more than happy to indulge the raven-haired boys fetishes...

By the end of their mostly one-sided binge, Naruto was left so bloated that his jacket had been hiked up just beneath his chest, allowing his utterly massive belly to spill forth freely.  The overstuffed organ had to be rounded out by nearly three feet, weighing Naruto's pants down as his pants button strained against the sheer heft of his engorged gut.

Naruto was laying on his side, moaning away as Sasuke curled up behind him, shirtless and aroused.  One arm was hanging from the mattress while the other ran around Naruto's sides and slowly caressed his big, churning belly.  It felt so unbelievably soft to the touch, like a warm, fleshy water bed.  Naruto looked like he was in cloud nine as he rested one hand against Sasuke's, as if guiding him where to rub.

"Mmmm, you keep eating like this, dobe, and you're gonna be way too fat to even be a shinobi..." Sasuke murmured in a low, sultry tone of voice.  There was a visible flush on his pale cheeks as his hand continued to slowly rub that soft, churning globe of a gut.

Naruto chuckled, making his bulging belly jiggle heavily with each chortle, furthering Sasuke's arousal tenfold.  "Yeah, if ya keep feedin' me like this, of course I'm gonna be a fatass!  Wouldn't stop me from kickin' everyone's butts!  Just look at Choji!"  Naruto exclaimed in an amused sort of manner.

"It's not the same, he's built that way.  But I do think it'd be a better look on you," Sasuke replied.

"Oh yeah?  Why's that?"

Sasuke leaned closer and whispered lustfully into Naruto's ear, "Because you're sexier," before suckling on the side of Naruto's neck.

Naruto bit his lower lip and moaned a little more lustfully himself, while Sasuke pulled Naruto closer and wrapped both arms around Naruto's widened hips.  His hands ran circles across the dead center of that big, burgeoning belly.  Since everything was digesting thoroughly within Naruto, his massive stomach had become much softer and jigglier, making Sasuke's fingers sink into his smooth flesh as he caressed it.

As he slowly rubbed little circles into the side of Naruto's belly, Sasuke gave it a good few lustful pats.  He shuddered in delight as he felt it jiggle heavily with each pat, accompanied by the most delightfully thick-sounding sloshing noises he'd heard in a while.

Naruto hiccuped loudly from all the sloshing the pats to his gut were causing, then he grinned when he felt just how 'excited' Sasuke was starting to get.  "Heh,  man, you get worked up so easily over this thing, don'tcha," Naruto teased, slapping the side of his belly for emphasis and making it ripple heavily beneath his palm.

He may have slapped a little too hard though, because it was promptly followed up with a thick, gaseous gurgle...


Naruto winced in discomfort for a moment, before using his right elbow to support himself against the mattress; half sitting up while his gargantuan gut was still resting against the mattress.  He had a look on his face like there was some pressure built up.

That was, at least until Naruto hit his chest and knocked the pressure loose...



After hitting his chest, Naruto let loose a low, airy burp, followed immediately by a HUGE, blaring belch.  It blasted loudly past Naruto's rippling lips for just over four seconds straight, and carried enough force behind it that not only did Sasuke feel Naruto's belly ripple beneath his hand when he let it rip, but he could even feel the springs in Naruto's mattress reverberate.

When it ended, Naruto exhaled heavily in relief, resting his eyes shut and groaning with bliss.

"Haaaaahhh...ohhhh MAN, that one was dyyyyyin' to come out..." Naruto groaned out as he gave his fat, jiggling belly a couple of hearty pats in relief.  "Phew...!"

Sasuke's blush intensified.

"You're such a pig..." he mused with a smirk.

Naruto grinned a bit wickedly as he turned his head over his shoulder back at Sasuke and said, "Yeaaaaah, and ya love it when I'm a pig, don'tcha..."

Then, Naruto did something unexpected...

He pushed Sasuke onto his back and rolled on top of him.  Naruto's weighty, pregnant-looking belly spilled down and pressed down agains Sasuke's bare, concave stomach.

Naruto leaned down closer, making his belly grind against Sasuke's a little as he whispered in a lustful sort of manner, "...I know what else ya love too..."

Sasuke's ghostly pale face turned an almost uncharacteristically pink at those low, husky words...

...Sufficed to say, Sasuke wasn't going to have to worry about Naruto getting too fat...

...Not with the exercise he was about to give him...




Oh… my… fuck~🖤