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So I recently started dabbling in Blender to see how it fares with model editing, since there's only so much that can be done with XPS.

Turns out, quite a bit can be done on Blender.  You have actual sculpting options that let you inflate or alter any mesh with a simple click and drag.  No numbers and vertex editing like 3DS Max and no scaling trickery needed like with XPS.

I was able to actually inflate Natsu's belly to have a hefty bloat, and even drag his swimsuit down to really add heft and weight to his belly instead of having it just clip into his pants.

Best part?

Blender has texture painting.  REALLY easy and intuitive texture painting too!

So I was able to literally edit Natsu's skin maps on the fly, getting rid of the abs and thinning out his bellybutton to match the size of his belly.  You can see the before and after in this post.  It's honestly amazing how intuitive and easy it is.

And next up?  I'm gonna be seeing if Blender can let me merge models so I can start getting those shirtless MHA models up and made.  Because if so?  We're in business, folks.  ;)



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