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It's been a while since I've done anything with my greedy dumbass robot, Runo.  But I've been playing the hell out of Streets of Rage 4 and was inspired by one of the main villains of that game, Mr. Y, to create my own kinkable spoiled brat villain.

And so, meet Adam Hellion.

I'm still figuring out his aesthetic since I don't want to rip off Mr. Y too much.  But here's what I got for ya:

Adam is a 21 year old heir to a giant tech company that specializes in nanotechnology and robotics.  He's not a robotics expert himself but he's bankrolled the most brilliant experts in the field to design the sleekest machinery money can buy.  With his massive wealth and ego, he can have whatever he wants when he wants it and is not even remotely concerned about things like subtly or moderation, hence where the kink aspects come in...

See, despite his high status, Adam is as cocky and greedy as it gets.  He knows he's hot stuff and knows what he wants when he wants it.  If one of his assistants is eyeing him up and he thinks they're cute, he won't be coy.  He'll just straight up say "you'n me should fuck" (probably that exact quote 'XD) and that'll be that.  

And on of that, Adam's got one HELL of an appetite.  ;)

If Adam's feeling hungry, he won't just dine on some finger food, he'll order an entire spread and stuff his face like there's a famine coming.  He'll keep eating and eating until his stomach resembles a beach ball and sometimes, eat beyond that.  And because he's as high on the food chain as a person can be, in terms of power, wealth and influence, Adam doesn't worry himself about things like manners.  Adam may be a rich kid but he can burp loud enough to echo off the walls, and has absolutely no shame.  Instead, he'll smack his lips and give his bulging belly a hearty, showy slap, and gloat about how loud that was.

He's also a massive tease.  See, Adam may be a spoiled, entitled brat, but he's actually near-genius level smart.  Very well educated, understands finances better than any brokers ever could, but his biggest asset is his mastery of psychology.  He knows the human mind better than most and understands desire.  Adam is a master of reading people and getting a handle on them pretty much within minutes of meeting or observing them. 

For Adam's own pleasure, if one of his assistants ever seems flustered around him, he'll quickly deduce what's turning them on and dial that desire up to eleven.  And he won't be shy or REMOTELY subtle about it either.  He can be in one of his ridiculously expensive suits, and he'll still unbutton the bottom buttons to show off his bare belly and start slooooowly rubbing it, grinning wickedly at his deeply flustered assistant the whole while, asking if they're enjoying the show.  

If they enjoy seeing him get nice and stuffed, he'll slump back and fondle his heavy gut, teasing that he knows they wanna get their hands on him and assuring them that he won't bite...unless they ask first.  ;)

If Adam burping turns them on, he doesn't pretend or ham it up.  He'll burp as hard as he can right in their face and tease that they're a blushing weirdo, because of course he'd love to be a kink-shaming-kink-tease.  :P

Adam is very much a "live for the moment" kind of person, and someone who truly believes that he's better than most people, and capable of changing the world.  He's a villain through and through, I think he's actually THE big bad of my Runo world, with Nero as close second.  But he's also a far kinkier villain than most, without the nihilistic baggage that Cadmus has going for him.  XD

I'll post an official bio of the lad once I decide on his clothing, but figured I'd share for when I get around to making stuff with this lad.  ;)



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