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So!  As some of you know, I've been toying with the idea of turning HISS into a 2D game, either as a beat-'em-up or as a platformer in the same vein as Phantom 2040.  Well, the spin on that would be, while the game would be built using GMS2, instead of using sprites, I WOULD actually use character models.  And as part of my bid to get that rolling, I commissioned a 3D modeler to work on a character I could get some mileage with, be it for the games and for kink stuff.  So naturally, a simpler design would be the way to go, and I went with Koloss.

We're in the very early stages of the design, and here's what this modeler came up with for the blockout phase.  The style he's going for, since NAMCO-BANDAI wasn't an option, is more akin to Overwatch, which I'm okay with, since they have very stylistic designs that feel animated, especially facially.

I loved what he came up with, but as you can see, it's pretty different from the reference piece I commissioned from Calico807.  So we're gonna see about losing the tail, the scale-frills, making Koloss' head scaled down, shortening his snout and giving some slight more plushness to Koloss' belly.  But otherwise, I think we're off to a great start! 

I MAY ultimately go with another modeler for the full game, because I do feel finding someone who can create models in the same vein as MHOJ2 would be the way to go, and would make environments a lot less expensive to commission.
But this model is definitely gonna get mileage elsewhere if I do!

And I figured I'd share with you guys since, once this model is finished, y'all are gonna be the first to see the big scaly fatso in action all his 3D glory...his very, very expensive 3D glory... X'D



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