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Synopsis:  This is a quick fic I wrote up on tumblr featuring Piers and Raihan from Pokemon, with the former feeling a little bit gassy after something he ate didn't agree with him.  So, Piers takes some time to burp out a lot of the pressure festering in his gut before his show.

Download the attachment to view the fic.

Notes:   Final wordcount for this piece was 1,965, making it a $20 commission.  If you'd like your own personalized story, feel free to contact me!  :)

Content Warning:  Belly Kink, Belly Rubs, Burping, Burp Kink, Indigestion, SFW Arousal, Stomach Grumbles

This was just posted on my tumblr, so it's available for public reading, without being a Patron.  ;)


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