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So that art I posted of Skye last week doesn't seem to be doing that well, comparatively, on all the various social media platforms that I posted it to. Not that anything I post really does spectacularly, I just expected something more fanservicey to do... better? In relative terms? Oh well, it just proves to me yet again that I have no idea what I'm doing! Maybe I just picked the wrong character. After all, nobody REALLY knows Skye very well yet. But I'm fine with that. I'ma just let you guys pick who I draw next time.

I put up a poll in case any of you missed it:

Who Should I Draw Next? | Patreon

Kiva seems to be winning so far, by quite a margin! So what'dya think, are we sick of watching him suffer yet? Does our boy deserve a cozy picture of comfort and peace for a change? Lemme know with a comment!

Comic this week? Yes! In fact it's almost done already!

Drawing: Pages 189-195

Playing: Lil bit of AoW4, lil bit of other stuff, maybe some more Rimworld.

Volume #1 Update: Publisher sent me a couple more edits last week, including a place where I missed "minium." I fixed them and sent them back. So now we're just waiting on what's hopefully the last stage of approvals before moving going to print!


Here's another quick excerpt from all the worldbuilding that I've been writing in my hopefully-some-day TTRPG manual. This section follows the last one, and is largely just kind of helping to set the tone, expanding on the big fat nothing we know about the time before the Catastrophe and the period that immediately followed it. This section doesn't answer a ton of questions, because well... there's intended to be a big mystery gap here, but after this we'll dive a lot deeper into the history we think we DO know regarding the rise of gods and those who slew them.

A Bleak, Forgotten History

A long time ago, shit happened, and now everything sucks. We’re living on a big pile of crap that inexplicably survived the end of the world. You can’t expect us to have a comprehensive, carefully-curated timeline of everything that led up to now. All we know is that someone, we call them the “Ancestors,” built a buncha stuff a long time ago. Cities that probably covered every bit of the land, giant buildings that stabbed up at the stars, and all of it packed full of tech that puts our wildest imaginations to shame. Not much else is known about these Ancestors, other than that they looked like us, kinda, they knew how to build some cool shit, and they probably didn't worry a whole lot about getting eaten by Ferals. Their society was at its peak, some might say, when something we call the “Catastrophe” wiped them all out. Nobody knows what caused it, how it happened or what it even actually was. That the Catastrophe happened at all is just a guess, and it’s our collective best guess.

Fact is, everyone is way too concerned with keeping themselves alive in the present than to waste time uncovering the past. Who cares how some dead asshole lived when you haven’t eaten in three days and you still don’t know where your next meal is going to come from? Evidence of the Ancestors and some form of Catastrophe are all around us. That’s good enough for most. We live here now; in the ruins of all they left behind, squatting in their old buildings, picking through their scraps and pissing on their graves. It’s not that we aren’t grateful for what they left behind, it’s just that they’re all dead, so they probably don’t give two shits what we do.



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