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It takes so long to tell these stories at a pace of one page a week, there's a sort of constant back and forth inside of my own head, where I often question if I'm still on the path that I started down six years ago. All the while, I keep growing and changing as a person as well, as my interests shift from this to that or as I forget some knowledge and learn new things. As such, whether or not I'm still on the right track is probably a question I can probably never actually HAVE a definitive answer to.

In any case, I went ahead this week and roughed out pages 187 to 194. Seeing it all laid out has made me feel quite a bit more confident with how this part of the story is going! So I have that at least!

Comic this week? Probably! But maybe late Wednesday.

Drawing: Page 187, and I wanna do something kinda fan-servicy soon, idk. Fan service attracts views and I've been in the mood to play less games and try to draw more things lately.

Playing: Not much. A little bit of WoW.


So... Not a huge ramble today, but I've actually been working a ton on my TTRPG system for God Slayers. It started with a serious commitment to furthering the worldbuilding and fleshing out a lot of the behind-the-scenes things, then it started to incorporate a lot of different ideas I've settled on for, what I hope is a fairly competent survival-oriented post-apocalypse furry game. Now I'm staring at like a 120 page document, that's, admittedly probably a loooot of just repeating myself and rambling, but it's a decent start I think.

Why am I bringing this up? Well, so far what I have is probably getting kinda close to being at least partly playable? I wanna do a test run with some of my close friends soon, then once I get their thoughts and feedback, I might start teasing parts of it out here to you guys to get your thoughts on it too.

Honestly, I don't know if it's the sort of thing I'll ever formally publish or try to sell, but if I ever finish something worthy of being a complete and playable game, all of you here will be the first to know. <3



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