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So... I apparently screwed up. Not only did my animation program lack some features I was hoping it had, it also simply does not do the thing that I assumed it did. Animation Paper is free software that I'm using, it's under development, and I guess right now it is purely for rough animations so it doesn't do imported drawings or any sort of finishing, AT ALL. Seems like... something I should have maybe checked before starting all this, but alas. Am foolish. I dove in head first and discovered the pool was shallower than I expected.

So... my animation didn't turn out. But! Mistakes are excellent teaching tools. Lesson learned. And it seems like a shame to let all of that work go to waste, so I'm just gonna share with you a few of what were supposed to be my favorite frames from what was intended to be a kinda neat, slightly moving image, so you can maybe get the gist of what it was SUPPOSED to be. Hope you enjoy them!

It didn't upload the frames in any sort of order, but I'm sure you get it anyway. Note the last panel with Riley being zapped was probably going to be cut, cuz it seemed kinda... cruel? to animate it with that happening repeatedly on loop. In my own personal headcanon, I think she only got zapped once, and Kiva rescued her shortly afterwards. :P



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