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I know I've been pretty radio-silent lately. I did end up getting sick, as I thought I would, and it's been a nasty one, as I was hoping it would not be. Was pretty much bedridden all day Friday, couldn't even muster the energy to check my phone, and then Saturday and Sunday was just a whole lot of moping around being gross (and playing Cobalt Core.)

I continue to be gross as of today, but I'm alive! And improving. Slowly. Slowly requiring less and less medicine to be functional. I imagine I'll be back to 100% in a couple more days.

Comic this week? Fortunately taking last week off means finishing the comic from its current state shouldn't be very challenging, even with my limited energy and constant phlegmy interruptions. It's pretty far along, just needs some final shading and lighting passes, which I might go a bit heavier on than usual cuz there's some new techniques I wanna try.

Drawing: BorderlineAxo's Suggestion, Page 178

Playing: Cobalt Core, which I highly recommend. It's probably one of the first roguelites to capture my attention so thoroughly. Kind of a mix of FTL and Slay the Spire. But if you liked both of those games but couldn't quite get into them, Cobalt Core might be right up your alley! It's also got cute characters and a cute sense of humor. It's tons of fun.



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