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Sorry this is late, today ended up being pretty busy and I didn't want to post it without including SOME kind of art. Annd so I drew Riley. Because of course I did. Having ridiculous hair does not exempt anyone from self-care!

Like I said, last week wasn't very productive. I didn't draw anything worth sharing, but I managed to tidy up some worldbuilding and tabletop stuffs and I did a bit of planning for more of the upcoming chapters in Kiva's story.

Age of Wonders 4 turned out to be even better than I'd hoped, and I regret nothing taking a week off to play it. I got the obsession out of my system, and now I feel like my head is clear and I'm ready to return to working on comic stuffs!

Volume #1: 40/72

Drawing: Finishing Volume #1 (for probably the next couple of weeks/giving myself ~2 months at most, hopefully. I'll have a more accurate timeframe once I organize what's left to be done.)

Playing: AoW4 and a little bit of WoW


I dunno, it's become late and my brain has already turned off for the day. Have a good night!



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