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Alrighty, just wanted to make an official announcement to go along with the changes I've been promising to make to the Patreon Reward Tier structure for some time now.

If you are a Squatter or Scavenger. No changes.

You still have Early Access to the most recent 5 pages, as always, and Scavengers still have access to High Res versions of each page. I honestly don't see this ever changing. It's kind of the whole point of this Patreon.

For the higher tiers, the Kuserran Hero reward has been renamed to Background Character. However, no changes were made to how they will be handled for cameos and background appearances.

Basically this was done because the previous name might have been contributing towards a few people getting the wrong impression about what, exactly, was being offered by this reward. I want to feature other people's characters in my comic, but I don't want to derail the story I'm trying to tell in order to do so. I want to make your characters a part of my world, but I don't want them to try and steal the spotlight. It's not because I think my characters are more interesting, it's just that other people's characters are strangers to me. I am unfamiliar with them, and I could not effectively write good stories about them without knowing them as well as I know my own characters.

For Traders and above, providing your details for a Background Character is now totally optional. I'm not going to chase you down for it. You don't have to come up with one if you don't want to. You still can, and I'm happy to hear about it, but I'm not going to bug you for it.

Mostly I'm doing this because I'm finding some people are super excited to get their characters featured in the comic, and for some people, it's not a huge deal to them and they're just happy to show their support. Because I'm so slow at making comics, it may take me months, possibly a year or more to find a good place to include someone's background character, I want to make sure to prioritize the people in the former category.

For Redtails and Landlords, I've removed the sketch and the full-color character sheet reward, respectively. This was the main thing I needed to do and the main point of this rekajigger. It was an unscalable reward and one that I was not enjoying having dangle over my head like a Sword of Damocles.

Truth told, I've never really enjoyed drawing character sheets in general. Though the ones I've done were useful for me and they were fun, at first, the longer that queue gets the more stressed I feel and the less I want to actually work on it. So I'm killing the reward that makes that queue longer, while still planning to draw all the character sheets on the queue currently.

For Redtails and Landlords, I've ADDED a Request-a-Sketch reward. What I DO enjoy is hearing your ideas for sketches, and while it's never quite been explicitly stated in certain terms, I'm happy to hear your requests. If it's something that really clicks with me, it might even get colored. I can't guarantee that I'll be able to draw every request, because again, scalability is an issue and I'm only one person and the comic is my priority, but I think it's perfectly feasible for me to start offering more sketches upon request.

Does this mean I'm no longer taking requests from anyone who isn't subscribed at these tiers? No. I'll always listen to suggestions for sketches. I never know what sort of thing will inspire me and get my pen moving. What I'm offering at these tiers is sort of a priority request. Possibly even an off-topic request.

Again, I just want to thank you all for your support. Regardless what tier you're subscribed at, it goes a long way towards telling me you like what I'm doing and that I should keep doing it. So thank you, and thanks for reading.


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