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Also included, a picture requested by Quinn for his Hyena character.  I don't do commissions and I'm still killing the character sheet reward this year, but Quinn's been a loyal subscriber for a long time at Landlord tier, so I'm happy to oblige the occasional request!

The biggest thing is that I just don't do well under pressure. So that's why I'm getting rid of the character sheet reward. I love art, but when there's a deadline, or some other form of pressure, or when it feels like a requirement or something I don't want to do, even if it's self-imposed, I really struggle to find the motivation to make any progress on it.

Comic this week? Yes, but it'll probably be late Wednesday.

Drawing: Page 161, 162

Playing: WoW and Dwarf Fortress (because I'm just that kind of nerd)


Anyone still remember how I said I never wanted to be a blogger?  Sigh...

I think part of the reason it's so hard for me to come up with ramble topics any more is partly because I've mostly stopped ruminating on things. Which helps with my mood, overall, but makes me less reflective and possibly less insightful.

Simply by not obsessing over any and all given topics for way too much time, I feel better, overall, but it means I have very little to say come Monday when I'm supposed to deliver some giant wall of text about whatever's on my mind at that moment. They say ignorance is bliss, and it's true. The dumber I get, the less I think and overanalyze things, and the easier it is to ignore my depression demons, because they thrive on ruminating.

[sudden and unexpected multi-paragraph rant redacted]

So anyway...

I'd love to turn the ramble into an AMA or something, let people tell ME what they're interested in. Cuz I know we could all use a break from real life and I feel like a broken record sometimes when I'm writing for the fiftieth time about my philosophy towards villains or the depiction of evil in fiction.

While I'm sure that most of you probably don't read every ramble, I don't know how many people have read enough of them that you're tired of listening to me. I know I'M tired of listening to me, but that's been true for at least 25 years.



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