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Got a little bonus art for you this week. This past Friday I tried to draw Riley in a more realistic, hyper-detailed style. I didn't finish it, unfortunately, but I am pretty happy with what I was able to accomplish, having never attempted anything like this ever before.

It was a good exercise in breaking out of that box for a bit. A confidence booster, as it were. Even though I didn't finish it, it was validating to know that, if I had to, I could do something like this!


Comic this week? I'm a bit behind, I know. Again. But I'll be trying to get it out on Wednesday like usual. Might be late Wednesday.

Drawing: Page 159

Playing: WoW


So... Twitter. Real shame, that.

In other news, a few people have started to express an interest in some form of a Kuserra Roleplay venue. A casual one, most likely.

This has always been one of the goals for the comic long term. I'm an RP nerd and I like enabling RP nerds, therefore, assuming first that anyone actually liked this story I was making, I'd always thought it'd be fun to get other people thinking about making their own characters and playing with them in an ongoing, living version of Kiva's world.  So I want to encourage this, but this being the first time I've ever done anything like this, I'm not exactly sure... how I can do that, or what I can do to make it easier for people to jump in on.

Normally if I was to start a roleplaying campaign, I would be the Game Master, and I'd be letting my players roam free in my world within reasonable constraints. My focus continues to be on drawing and writing the comic though, the reason we are all here in the first place, and I wouldn't benefit anyone by splitting my time between more projects...

But... Oh. A thought occurs. Since I most likely wouldn't have time to GM everything myself, are there some of you in our community, that would be interested in GMing a God Slayers setting for others? Could also help me test some ideas I've been kicking around for a gameplay system too.

It's a raw thought, literally forming in my head as I type this, so I'm just throwing it out there to see if there's any interest in that! I'd be around to answer questions and help guide with lore, of course, but you'd be free to craft small-scale, personal stories in Kuserra and maybe even explore some of its surrounding lands.

But I dunno! I'm not sure of some of the pitfalls or risks with this sort of thing, or if we even have enough fans yet for it to be fun or see a decent level of participation. I tend to jump the gun on things, I've found.

If any of you have any thoughts or opinions, I'd like to hear them in the comments below or on Discord!



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