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Kuserra is still burning, btw.  In Kiva's story, at least.

Like I said, I'm pretty eager to get back to Kiva's story at this point, but Riley's story is only getting started, and it will continue.

Also, my husband got us new computers this weekend, and while I don't expect any interruption of what I do or how I do it, transitioning to a new machine always has some hitches.  The IMPORTANT things pertaining to my arts and comics are about 95% moved over.  Redoing my settings and tweaking things will always be an ongoing process.

Comic this week?  Yes!  Riley #1 is going up on the main site this week and we are starting in on Chapter 9!

Drawing: Page 142

Playing: Rimworld again.


I swear I'm going to keep this short this time.  I didn't get much sleep last night and my brain is on about 30% capacity today.  Buuut continuing the discussion about worldbuilding from last week...

I dug into my notes and files and poured over all the things pertaining to Kuserra and the planet it sits on last week.  And I was pretty pleased with what I've got, still.  It came as a nice refresher, for one thing, and for another it sort of bolstered my confidence that the world I've built doesn't completely suck.  (It also helped to watch a bunch of videos that were ripping apart High Guardian Spice... wow.)

There were some holes, there's always going to be some holes, but what's nice is that the ones I worked on trying to plug were easy to plug in ways that made some logical sense.  At least ways I think are logical... to me.  IE. the things I built on either side of those holes were sturdy enough to let me build an easy bridge between them.  In any case there was almost no retconning, aside from tossing out one early stupid idea I had that was stupid and didn't really matter or have any impact on anything because it was just so stupid.

But worldbuilding, I think, is best done as a collaboration, rather than as a purely solo activity.  It's best done by way of coming up with answers to questions asked, rather than trying to come up with every possible question and answer yourself.  That's sort of why I keep pestering you guys to ask questions and bother me about any inconsistencies or lore problems.  You can get me thinking about things in ways I can't always come up with on my own.  It's also good to align myself with the questions that people who are reading the story so far have.  I have perfect information regarding the story to come, my readers do not.

Now, I'd wager that most of you aren't obsessing over my story 24/7 like I am, so I understand that when I post to twitter or Discord asking for lore questions and I don't get any, you might just not have any.  And that's fine.  I'll just keep building my thing and telling my stories in the meantime, but I do hope that if you ever do have questions, you all feel comfortable reaching out to me and asking!  I want the hard questions.  I want to be stumped.  That's usually when I bluescreen and roll on the floor for 3-5 hours while my brain goes into overdrive and at the end of it I typically feel the best and most satisfied about the answer I come up with.

ANYHOO, I've started updating our Worldanvil page again, and I'm going to continue posting articles there, I think, at least until I find something better. It's all still public, but now it's also been recently updated, and you can all view it here:  https://www.worldanvil.com/w/god-slayers-trickfoxx

The disclaimer is still that it's an imperfect WIP, and there's still a lot of articles I simply haven't written or made public yet.  But it's a start for those that are curious about stuff!  And if you read through it and find things that you have questions about, hit me up!  I'm always happy to clarify or fix things.



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