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I find this stuff mildly interesting, so I figured I'd share it!

2021 was a year where I ended up missing some of my usual goals, but also drew a ton of other extra stuff, making it still the best year for God Slayers yet!

This year, despite moving and travelling and settling in and the more recent health problems we still don't have any real answers for, I still managed to post 38 new pages out of my yearly goal of 40 pages.

I also only drew/posted 40 sketches total, when I'm supposed to be doing at least one a week.

But!  Also this year:

I drew 3 full-size character posters for Kiera, Max and Riley, the winners of the Favorite Character poll from early in the year.

We launched the brand new character page on the main site and have updated it with two characters and a total of 6 unique descriptions.

I've drawn 4 colored character sheets for our wonderful Kuserran heroes here on Patreon.

I also created an animated ad for FurAffinity this year which ran on the site from August to November.

I've begun touching up the pages from Chapter 1 for an eventual printed book!

This year, we gained 15 new patrons, with at least one person joining at every tier!

To date, Kiva has been featured in 175 posts, Max has been featured in 109, Riley in 89, and Kiera in 74.


Now, how about some reader statistics? Reference the images above! This is from Google Analytics, and it tracks general stats about user behavior only, no specifics, so this only serves as a general indicator of activity. The real numbers could be quite different, but when comparing to the stats from last year, it's all pretty damn amazing.

From January 1, 2021 - Dec 31, 2021, we saw a total of 5,251 unique visitors to the site, an increase of over 400% from 2020!

The more interesting graph to me, however, is the second one.  While the add on FA was running, we saw a peak of nearly 300 daily visitors.  Of course we're going to see a flurry of curious clickers any time there is an ad up, but that Returning Visitor value is the one that really warms my heart. It rises, and it stays high, even after the ad is taken down. Everything past November isn't because of the ad, that's all because of you.  That's you sharing, reading, following along and just generally being awesome fans. I love to see it. I love to see that ~30% of people who clicked on the ad liked what they saw enough to stick around and keep reading.  It's... I dunno, I'm out of words. It's amazing. It's incredible and it feels really good. When I first started this comic I wanted to share it because if I could make at least one other person's life even a little happier, it was worth it. It's hard to imagine I might be having that effect on not one, but hundreds of people.

People from all over the world, in fact! This year has seen more activity from countries outside America than ever, with the most avid activity coming from Russia, Canada, Germany, the UK and Mexico. We have readers in Australia, Brazil, France, the Philippines, Vietnam and Poland, and I'm even only listing the countries that have lots of regular activity.  There's plenty more countries from all over the world that have either had 1 excited fan who read every page, or 150-200 curious people who only read a little bit of the comic.

I'm absolutely humbled by all the attention and love we've been getting this year. To think that this silly thing I'm making, that these characters living in my head are speaking to people all over the world.

So... before I get too mushy, let me just say thank you, all of you, truly, for reading, and for existing.  And here's to hoping that 2022 will be even MORE amazing!



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