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Thank you all so much for your continued support!  As thanks for your donations, your character sheets and cameos are still coming as time and sanity allows.  I know I'm slow.  >.<  I can only promise at best one or two character sheets a month, otherwise I'll get burnt out.  Zephyr's sheet took me a ton of extra time because of all that detail, but I'm really really happy with how it turned out!

Again though, if this queue gets out of control, I may have to pause these rewards or stop accepting new ones entirely.  I honestly never expected anyone to throw actual money at me for my comic, and the only way I can show my thanks is by gifting you art in return... but this could quickly get out of hand if I suddenly find myself drowning in heroes. I don't think anyone wants that.

I want to be sure to thank each and every one of you, but the main comic takes up a huge chunk of my time and getting it out at a consistent pace has to be my priority.  Hopefully you all agree, otherwise I doubt you would be here.  >.<

BTW, this is me, when I'm feeling just the tiniest bit of pressure.  Thank you for your support and your patience!

Character Sheet Queue:

Zephyr - Landlord Tier - Finished!

Martin - Trader Tier - Got your deets!

Lethe - Redtail Tier - Got your reference, thank you!

Robyn and Scott - Updated character sheets.

Ikato - Trader Tier - Thanks for subscribing!  I need to reach out to you and get your character deets!

Cameo Tracker:

Zephyr - Soon!  Like... maybe within this chapter.

Lethe - Soon-ish. I have an idea where they will appear.

Scott - Page 107, 121

Crafty - Page 121

Akira - Page 121

Frey - Page 121




That looks really amazing ^^ Whole side ripped up. Hope she had insurance coverage haha.


I usually include a bit o' lore with each character sheet, but because Spark is special, a lot of the lore surrounding how she got here is actually kinda plot spoilery. :3