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Holiday time for those of us here in the states! That annual feast where we eat ourselves into a food coma based on a dubious historical precedent.

Currently driving back home to spend time with the family. Typing this on my phone, which I just realized has a crack in it from when I dropped it the other day. That'll teach me not to store it in my jacket pocket.

No comic this week, but I might post some sketches or something from my sketchbook, depending how much free time I have. My nephew can be a handful but otherwise our family gatherings are usually pretty mellow, so I'm looking forward to a relaxing holiday!

No ramble this week either.... Though... technically everything I write is a ramble! But I need to preserve my phone battery for the trip.

Hit me up on Discord if you wanna chat, or hang out in our server with the other cool peeps there. I'll admit though I will probably not be very attentive this week.

And thanks for reading, truly. It's been a great year for us and I'm excited for the next one!

And the one after that. And after that...


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