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This page is further along than it looks, I just didn't want to spoil the panels that are nearly done.  It was also really fun getting that text to line up on those pages.  While I prefer Sai in almost all things, Photoshop still has its uses sometimes.

I'd also like to thank AN-2416THUNDERSHOCK for subscribing today at Scavenger tier!  Thank you so much for the support!

Got a lot of work to do, so I'll keep this update short.  The holidays are coming up, after all, and the end of the year is always hectic.  I keep saying that, because if I start slipping on my dates and my work, that's why.

For now, though, I think we're done travelling and other adventures apart from heading over to visit family on both Thanksgiving and Christmas, so hopefully I'll be able to get a fair few more comics out before the end of the year.

Comic This Week:  You'd better believe there will be.  As much as I hate skipping TWO weeks in a row, I outright refuse to skip three.

Drawing: Page 121 (if it kills me)

Playing: House chores and all work and no play.  (But I might squeeze in some Rimworld if I get a chance to)

Weekly Ramble:

I had a good and thoughtful ramble for this week but it escapes me now because I failed to take notes.  This week has been various amounts of harrowing, but it's been getting much better the last couple of days and yesterday was a super busy and awesome day.  We hiked out to the woods and I got to try out my brand new recurve bow and I only lost two arrows when one shattered on a rock and the other vanished... somewhere.  It might have buried itself under a shrub?  Or into the dirt.  In any case, it was gone, and unfindable.  The risks of target shooting in the woods, I suppose.  Most of the rest of the arrows hit at least some part of the target, though, or near it, so I'm quite happy with the new bow.  It feels good in my hands and it seems to be shooting consistently to the point where two of my arrows embedded themselves in the same hole in the target and another two ricocheted off the same rock and landed behind the same tree.  I love archery.  I still need a lot of practice though.  :3

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a wonderful week and an excellent season!



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