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This page is actually further along than it appears... but it does still have quite a bit of work to do and I'm going to be very busy today and tomorrow.

I also want to thank TWO new patrons who joined us this week!  Stille’fir Solae and Leshana Kitsune!  Thank you so, so much for subscribing!  This has just been an incredible month... I'm not sure what's happening or why everyone seems to like me lately but welcome to Kuserra!  :3

Comic This Week:  Yes, I think I should be able to get this one done.

Max Poster:  It's done, I'm just in the habit of including it in these posts now and I forgot what comes next after... oh yeah!

Drawing: Page 119 AND 120.  (120 is actually further along than 119, lol)

Playing: Cyberpunk 2077, and a little bit of Satisfactory?


Probably going to try and keep this short today because I have a lot of drawing to do, clearly.  Let's see... I'll just pick a topic from my big ol' hat of writing and philosophy and random dumb thoughts that frequently bounce around inside my brain...

Ugh, all of these topics are uninteresting to me today, so let's just take whatever's on the very top of my mind.  A purer ramble there never was than the stream of consciousness!  (That's right, don't expect this to make any kind of coherent sense.)

I'm becoming increasingly infatuated with archery lately.  Yesterday I went out into the woods with some friends and got drunk and I shot 210 arrows at a target.  Most of them even hit that target!  I stuck with a lower weight draw, because I didn't want to tire out too quickly, but I did probably about 45 of those shots with the 50lb recurve.  Gotta say, it's pretty cool to just be able to go DO that.  There's something satisfying about flinging a shaft down range and hearing it embed itself several inches into a padded sack.  (Or into a tree, when I inevitably miss said sack)  Moving out here to the edge of a small town was definitely the right call, I think.  I love it out here.  When there's not a train going by, the loudest sound I can hear is sometimes the beating of wings as an eagle flies overhead, and that's only if I can hear anything at all.  At night when the skies are clear, I can see an arm of the galaxy.  As a kit (typo? eh, I'll own it) who grew up in a suburb of LA, there's a lot of experiences I'm simply not used to.  I couldn't have asked for a better place to grow up, but now as an adult, with the freedom to go basically wherever, it almost feels like being a kid again, experiencing new things for the first time.

It's been an interesting change, coming from rapidly urbanizing suburbs and moving out here where a national forest is close enough I can just walk over there and be IN a forest.  It's given me an interesting perspective, and interesting experiences, and it makes me want to apply these experiences to Kiva's world as well.  Like... for example, what does Kuserra smell like?  I doubt that it smells like a pine forest, but it also doesn't necessarily have to be universally foul (though parts of it almost certainly are).  What does the city sound like when it's dark and silent?  I've always pictured Kuserra as this strange, ruined urban jungle.  More wild than it is tamed.  It's dangerous, it's tainted, it's noxious, but people live there.  People even thrive there.  They wouldn't be able to thrive there if Kuserra wasn't able to provide for the basic needs of living creatures.

I've designed Kuserra to look like a horrible, awful place, and certainly it seems that way from Kiva's perspective, but I feel like there's a lot more to it than that.  And sometimes, every once in awhile, I try to portray the ruins of the city in a different light, to show that there can be a flavor of beauty, even there.  Anyway, I've already spent too much time rambling... so I'ma go draw.



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