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I would first like to welcome our newest Patron, Francis Wyvern!  Thank you so much for subscribing!

Comic This Week:  Yes!

Max Poster: Yeah, I know.  >.<  It's almost done, I just have to set aside some time to finish it.

Drawing: Page 114

Playing: Rimworld


I've been thinking a bit about consistency, lately.  As a concept, or as a life-goal, it's important to be consistent in the things I do.  Humans are creatures of habit, and we tend to fall easily into certain routines, and when, for example, that routine includes reading a certain periodical, it can be disrupting to people if that routine is interrupted for any reason.

When I first started on God Slayers it was a little difficult to get myself into a routine, but I knew it was important to post on the same day, every week, if nothing else.  I hadn't given much thought as to why, other than that I knew I could shape people's expectations a certain way by being consistent, and that once I did that, I would have to consistently deliver into those expectations.  I knew that if I was NOT able to post, for whatever reason, I should still post SOMETHING, anything, if only to keep people from wondering what's going on and to avoid disrupting my routine and the routine of others.  It probably took about two years for me to get used to that routine.  It's taken longer to convince other people in my life that I HAVE a routine I feel that I must stick to.

Once I was able to prove to myself I could keep up with a mostly consistent weekly schedule, then came the Friday sketch, and eventually the Monday update, and my workweek was set.  Posting *something* three times a week, every week.

But there's value in INconsistency as well.  It sounds almost contradictory, but in order to facilitate greater consistency, I maintain a little bit of wiggle room, allowing myself to be a little inconsistent in other, different ways.  Mostly because I understand that I, as a creative individual, struggle with consistency in general.  As an example, I hold myself to a schedule of days, not times.  So you can count on me to post comics on most* Wednesdays, but I won't guarantee it'll be there in the morning versus later in the evening (or even on Thursday depending on what part of the world you live in!)  I know that this probably annoys some people, but it helps to keep my stress levels manageable and my motivation higher knowing that I'm allowing myself to be okay with being a little late.

But even still, there's a lot of things I could improve upon.  I tweet inconsistently, I'm inconsistent posting to Telegram and Discord... just plain scares me.  Talking?  To people?  I can't think of anything more terrifying!  In all seriousness though, please, if you're on discord, feel free to ask me questions, share memes, or whatever!  I'm friendly, I swear, I'm also just very shy and awkward.  :P

And if you AREN'T on Discord yet, here's the link!  https://discord.gg/HKZmH3U



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