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Kiva seems like he's having a bit of a rough time.

Sorry for forgetting to post a sketch on Friday.  I was working on Page 113 instead and kinda forgot about it.  Does anyone even like my sketches?  I feel like most of them are pretty meh, overall.

Comic this week:  Yes

Max Poster: I swear I'm going to finish it some day.  Every Monday serves as a reminder of a promise left unfulfilled and it kills me a little bit on the inside as I continue procrastinating.

Drawing: Page 113

Playing: Rimworld


This week, sitting and staring at the monumental amount of pages I have left to write before wrapping up Part 1 of the comic, I'm wondering if maybe I should cut a few scenes (move them to a bit later in the series) and move on to the pages I really really WANT to write.  I'm very excited to show what Kiva finds once he gets to the Citadel, and I'm excited for a moment coming up where ****************************************.  I'm less excited about pushing it back for another 20 pages or more to show a couple more scenes and more buildup, because at the rate I'm posting comics, 20 pages translates to roughly six months, 40 to a year.  I don't know that I want to wait that long.  The scenes I want to move are important, and I DO want them to happen, so it's a tough decision to cut or move them now.

Have I earned it yet?  Do you all feel like I'm building up to something majorly huge?  Have I properly foreshadowed what's going to happen?  Do I have anything to gain from delaying it another year?  I'm not really sure.  The last time I jumped ahead I had to revisit the scene I skipped in flashbacks, and it felt bad to do it that way.  I consider it a mistake.  This time, the scenes I'm skipping actually might make MORE SENSE for them to happen later.  The worst part is that one of the scenes I want to push back was also a scene I was planning to show off Akira, our newest Kuserran Hero... but I can find another place to feature her, it'll just be a bit later than I was expecting.

I guess... as a creative person... there's no logically correct answer.  Doing what I think I'm about to do FEELS correct to me, in my heart, in my gut.  It feels like what's best for the story, and what's best for my passion surrounding said story.  I feel like I've set all the dominoes up correctly, and I feel like it's getting to a point where it might be time to knock them down.  Setting up more dominoes will take me a lot more time, it'll be boring and I don't know that I want to use all of them at once.  Chances are that if I'M bored and tired of waiting for the next major thing to happen, so are my readers.

I don't know what I'm doing.  I guess... that's not entirely true.  What I'm doing is trying to tell a story.  I want it to be the best story I can tell.  All I can do is keep trying.  IDK.  Thanks for reading.



Riley Vinet

I'm almost certain that every Patron you have loves your sketches. Along with the weekly rambles, it helps us to further get a grasp at your thinking process, and it's always nice to get some 'Behind the Scenes' stuff.


Thank you! I guess lately I just feel like I've sort of been running low on sketch ideas. I know there's PLENTY of stories and setting and history yet to be told... and no shortage of artistic techniques I could be practicing, but come many Fridays I'm just stricken with artists block.