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Alright, no juvenile number memes this time.  Never again, in fact.

My family is coming to visit this week!  Today, in fact.  And they're bringing my nephew.

So that means...

No comic this week!  Or at least, don't expect one.  I'll still be working on it, and I will post it if I do manage to get it done, but I don't expect to have a ton of free time between today and tomorrow, so I reserve the right to skip this week if I must.

Max Poster - Still working on it

Character Page - Still awaiting the code wolf (he's been really busy lately)

Drawing - Page 108, Telegram Stickers, Max Poster

Playing - Trying to finish Cyberpunk 2077, finally reached a point where I'm ready to see the endings, but I wanna see ALL OF THEM.  The game is so so good.  But also they just announced a new Rimworld expansion yesterday and AMG I AM FREAKING OUT OVER IT.


I'm starting to build up a big long ramble I wanna do at some point about censorship, because I feel like I have maybe an uncommon perspective on the topic and I want to share it.

But given how my family is on the road at this very moment and the downstairs is still a huge disaster I want to tidy up before they get here... instead I wanna share some reader statistics that make me go squee!

In the last 30 days, we have had 107 new users come to the site.  Granted, some of those could be existing or returning users on a new device, we can't tell, but what's interesting is that more than HALF of those new people are coming to our site directly, rather than following a link or being referred to from TopWebComics or FA or some other place.  What that tells me is that people are deliberately coming to our site.  People are bookmarking the site, returning because they want to read more.  It's all really exciting and encouraging because it demonstrates an ongoing interest in this thing I'm doing!

One of the greatest things about being able to share my art on the internet is being able to share it with the entire world.  We may only still have a couple of hundred users total, but they are scattered across more than 25 different countries, and I see more countries being added to that list each month.  (We don't gather any specific data about anyone, Google Analytics tells us some general information about how many people visit the site and from where, and we have some simple tracking to see what buttons are being pressed and how often.)

Here's the top five countries by ACTIVITY.  IE. Number of times buttons have been clicked by people from that country this month.

  • 1. United States - 1206
  • 2. Canada - 223
  • 3. Russia - 167
  • 4. Germany - 138
  • 5. Vietnam - 128

I prefer to rank them by activity rather than users because (the numbers are bigger) a country with users clicking an average of 3 buttons shows a lot less interest than a country with one user and over 150 button clicks.  The latter metric could indicate I've found a truly interested fan from that part of the world!

Speaking of which, I want to give a special shout-out to one user from Austria, and one from the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago.  Both of you have single-handedly put your respective countries in the top ten as far as activity goes.  :D

Now granted, numbers are just numbers.  I tell myself every day that I would be doing this thing even if no one was reading it.  But the fact that people from parts of the world (I've had to look up on Wikipedia because I'd never heard of them before) seem to be reading and enjoying my comic makes it all the more special and enjoyable for me to work on.

Edit: TIL HTML codes don't work on Patreon posts.



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