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I think I already said somewhere that I lost one of my monitors this week, and I've replaced it with a spare TV we had.  So that was a little bit of a setback.  Also this upcoming page is one of the more involved pages I have planned and it's not going well.

Part of me wants to rush through it and move on, just to get it over and done with.  Part of me wants to take an extra week to polish it up to a point where I'm happy with it.  Another part of me is actually pretty happy with how the coloring is going for the parts of that panel to the right there that I've colored in, and satisfied with how quickly that went.

So... will there be a comic this week?  Can I finish what's left of this one in two days?  I honestly don't know but I'm going to try.

This is also going to be the first page featuring one of our Kuserran Heroes (IDK, gotta call 'em something) in a cameo.  His name is Scott, and he's even got some lines of dialogue!  When my first Redtail tier supporter gave me the idea for this guy, my only real direction was that he had a big gun... so I knew exactly what job he'd have and where he would likely appear in the comic.  Had to wait, though, until it was appropriate in the story for this part to occur... so... sorry it took so long to get here!

Look for more of him, as well as our other new hero, Akira, in the background of future comics as well.  They're a part of the city now, so they'll be moving around, doing their jobs, be caught doing various things and every once in awhile their paths might just cross with the paths of the main cast.  I'm keeping track of where they are at any given point on the timeline, like all the rest of the characters, so I'm not going to have them be teleporting around the place or anything silly like that.

Max Poster:  More Flats

Character Page:  Still awaiting the code wolf.

Drawing:  Page 107 and 108, and Max Poster and Telegram Stickers.

Playing:  See Drawing.  Who has time for games this week, srsly.


Swapping out my drawing monitor for a TV is an interesting experience.  I'm not a very technical person, so my observations of the differences are probably pretty obvious for anyone that is, but it has an interest effect on my brain, and I worry it might affect how I do art until I get it swapped back to a normal monitor.

For one thing, the TV is meant to be viewed from much further away, so it has a far worse resolution than my computer monitor did.  I can SEE the individual pixels on the screen itself, which... for me as a digital artist, is annoying because it is sometimes creating a pixilation effect when none really should be visible.  For another, it is much brighter, and colors pop out a lot more than they do on my monitors, which has really thrown my brain for a loop when choosing colors.

See, I THOUGHT, all the colors I chose for my comic were a sort of dull, desaturated palette.  Comparing them side by side though, the new TV screen makes my colors look way more vibrant than I ever intended... and that makes me really wonder, was my other monitor just washed out this whole time?  Or is this TV too bright?  And... if that's the case, what does the comic look like on other people's screens?  Are they getting the experience of a dull, desaturated brown and tan post-apocalyptic landscape?  Or is it a technicolor rainbow of bright greens and oranges and yellows?  I'm not sure which one I like better being honest.  Vibrant colors are not a bad thing so long as they still fit the setting well enough.

I don't really know, but I'm curious to hear thoughts or opinions on this from you guys!



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