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My friends at Fenris Publishing have been dogging me to create a new ad for a long time now, so I created THIS ad for a (maybe hopefully) upcoming ad campaign on FurAffinity that might run for a couple of months or so.  This is a little bit of a different (more PC) take on our usual slogan.  It's an idea I've been rolling around on for awhile, and what better time to deploy Max in an ad banner than when he's getting his own little section of the story!

The last ad we ran on Taagra.com got us a couple of hundred hits a month, and a good percentage of those users seem to have stuck around even after the banner was taken down... so it'll be interesting to see how well this one does!

I'm... not an animator, clearly.  I have zero education in the medium.  But it is kinda fun to try and play around with it sometimes... to try and time it so I can match their mouth shapes to the syllables they might be pronouncing.  My approach is to draw like... four different mouth shapes.  One for an EEE, OO, AH and an MMM sound, and then I just sort of swap between them in fractions of seconds as the words get revealed.  I personally think the effect it creates is well worth the effort.  Brings just a little more life to the otherwise static characters.



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