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First and foremost let's welcome our newest Patron, Aiden Kimber!  Thank you so much for the support, it means a lot to me!

SO!!! it's April 5th all of a sudden, and we're moving this month.  All of a sudden it just got TOO REAL.  I've been saying that I kind of expected the last two weeks to be a hurricane of awful, and while we did some things to get ahead of it... it's here.  We're all of a sudden down to the last 2 weeks and there's just SO SO much packing to do still.  How did we even accumulate all this stuff?! 

Now, what that means for comic posting is that it's gonna be slowed down this month.  It remains my priority to put out comics as often as I can, and I *hope* to still put out a fair bit of art this month... but it's really going to depend on how much time I can set aside to draw while doing all the rest of the stuff that needs doing.

Furthermore, you know how I've been saying all along that my computer would be the last thing packed and the first thing unpacked?  That's probably still true, but because of how we're handling the interim living arrangements and the moving stuff for the final stretch of things, I will probably still be ending up without it between April 18th and the end of April.  I MAY have access to my files and a tablet and a different computer in the meantime, but at this point I'm just not sure how that will all shake out.  I'll be posting sketches, at the usual regular intervals (Wednesdays and Fridays), as many as I can muster, but if I can't make digital ones, they will probably just be crappy phone photos of my sketchbook.

Speaking of sketches!  I've been thinking about it for awhile but I'll be putting up a community post (I think) here on Patreon where people can suggest ideas for sketches.  I'm gonna pick and choose the ones I want to draw, but I often find myself in need of more sketch ideas and sometimes it's a nice challenge to draw something I'd never think of myself.  So please, please, by all means, never hesitate to come to me with sketch suggestions.  Even if I don't draw them right away, they will probably linger in the back of my mind until I get inspired for how I want to approach it.

So... am I posting THIS week?:  Gonna say probably not.  I wanted to do a new fancy cast portrait to celebrate Page 100 (of which you can see the progress on it here) but it isn't quite ready yet and I just don't want to rush it.  The last cast portrait I drew was in 2018 and it doesn't even have Riley in it because I didn't know at the time she was a part of the Main Crew.

Drawing:  Page 100, cast portrait, posters, sketches, and moving aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh-

Playing:  AI Dungeon.  But seriously, who has time for games right now.  Also MOVING, AAAAAAAHHH-

Poster Progress:

Kiera - Is still nearly done, probably needs a polish pass or two.  I would like to get this one out this month if I can... but... we'll see.  Because of the whole moving thing.  Gonna say probably Riley AND Kiera might be finished next month.

Max - Is still ready for linework  (I'm still scared)

Riley - Is still on the final passes for shading and lighting.


Weekly Ramble:


Okay, it's not really that bad(?)  We're just kind of at a point where there's still a lot to do and a lot of it hasn't been done yet, but once we start getting things done I think we'll find that there's still plenty of time.  The problem right now is that my husband still has to work these few weeks, so a lot of the packing will fall to me.  It's only fair, given that he's been handling LITERALLY ALL THE REST OF IT.

Slowly but surely though, I'm becoming a more confident artist, which means art I'm more or less satisfied with is coming to me a little bit faster and without as many revisions.  I've been noticing this past couple of months that I'm squeezing in more slack-off time, and I've started to take on some extra art projects (like the posters or some more detailed sketches from time to time) to help fill some of that extra time.

That feels good, honestly.  It feels like progress.  And it makes me slightly less terrified about having to draw a full-body character art image that I promised for the Character lore page once we get another two Patrons.

Alright, I need to go pack... probably make another trip to Home Depot and get a ton more boxes, so I'm not going to spend a ton of time writing or rereading or editing this post today.  But thank you all for reading.  I'm excited for May when all these things settle down and I've got my new desk in a quiet suburb with a beautiful view of some forested mountains and we settle in for the next chapter of living!



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