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So, kinda knew all along that it would go this way, but it's been a whole lot of waiting and suddenly it's like, OMG THE NEW HOUSE IS ALMOST DONE TIME TO GET READY TO MOVE HOLY CRAP.

We have the benefit of not being in a huge rush.  Our move date probably won't be for another month, month and a half, but at some point, a switch has been flipped and it got real all of a sudden.  The first box has been filled, the first cabinet emptied.  Not even a dent in the task ahead, but it is a start.

I suspect that I'll have to cut down the number of posts I make in February, and probably also March, to allow for all the packing and subsequent unpacking.  Like I've said, the computers are the last things packed and the first things unpacked, so I won't have to go completely without my tablet for long.  It's just going to be time dedicated to packing that would otherwise have been spent drawing.

So there will definitely be a new page posted tomorrow, but next week is iffy.  I should know by Friday if I've managed to make really good progress on Page 92.

I'm so excited for the new house, you guys.  It's looking really awesome and it isn't even done yet!


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