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OMG he's so cute lately.  This is a preview from Page 85.

I have a bunch of rules pinned on my mirror that I stuck up there a few years ago.  The first one tells me I should "Stay close to the original vision."  The details can change, with rewrites and tweaks and tiny improvements, but the original vision for the story should remain more or less consistent.  I prefer to write character-driven stories.  I want my characters to take me on a ride through THEIR stories, rather than force them into MINE.  Thing is, if I let them drive too far off the original path, the story runs the risk of becoming aimless and its cohesion could fall apart, so I've set up little milestones for them to reach at their own pace.

I don't know that I can say whether or not my original vision is good, but I'm really excited to see what you guys think by the end of Chapter 5.

Drawing: Page 85

Playing:  Satisfactory



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