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First off, I'd like to welcome our newest Patron!  Riley Vinet!  Thank you so much!

Page 84 is coming along quite nicely, I think.  I've struggled with backgrounds for a long time... and Kuserra's setting is by no means the easiest setting to draw, but I'm working on it!  I was dissatisfied with how Riley's workshop turned out in a lot of panels, and I started experimenting with some different techniques before Kiva said goodbye, but I think I was able to add a few new tools to my mental toolkit.

As for what else is going on, not much!  We're still hoping to sell this house and move at some point in January/February, but the new house is still waiting for the foundation to be poured and until it's built and we have a place to put all of our stuff, we're kind of just stuck in a holding pattern until then.  Which means Ima be drawing.  And writing.  But mostly drawing.

Drawing:  Page 84/85

Playing:  Age of Wonders: Planetfall (the new update is so so good)



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