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 I know it's not Wednesday, but I'm putting this up a little early since there probably won't be a new comic tomorrow. Gotta play catch-up.

I'm bad at drawing each of my characters consistently. Max, in particular, is different about every time I draw him. It's annoying. But as my art continues to improve and my characters evolve in small ways, I feel like it's good to line them all up like this every once in awhile to compare them all side-by-side. Trying to note and call special attention to the differences that make them each recognizable and unique from my other characters, just for my own reference.

So here we have the three main characters, plus Riley, who... while she's been featured in some comedic mini-comics so far, I'm starting to have to seriously try and nail down as I am writing the final draft of the script for Chapter 5. 



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