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 I don't know what the twins are arguing about today, but I couldn't help but feel like it's somehow Riley's fault. I mean, she IS a cat, after all.

Actually, this image makes me want to do that meme of the lady yelling at the cat, except with Kiera and Riley. I'm actually not sure what their canonical relationship is yet.

Over the last few weeks, I've started blocking out my sketches this way, just real rough, with blues. Why blues? Because that's what I see other digital artists do. I don't know why. But what I'm noticing is that doing sketches this way makes it somewhat easier to refine them into better looking shapes, poses, expression and characters before I start inking over it with my lines. I can go over it as many times as I need to with brush and eraser until I'm pretty much happy with how it looks. If I was going to fully render out this image, I'd probably refine it a few more times, with a few more passes, before I start inking.

I'm still excited for you guys to meet Riley officially, though with the current plan, she probably isn't going to show up until Chapter 5. 



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