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It's good to try and get out of my comfort zone a little bit and draw something different. I was hoping to post a couple of things today actually, but alas, the holidays.  We traveled a lot, spent time with friends and family.  It was a pretty good time.  Except that it didn't advance my agenda of perpetually hiding in my office and doing all the drawing I need to do.  :P

There's not going to be a new full color comic page from Chapter 3 today, because the one I WANT to post today isn't quite finished.

I'll be working on a special Patreon-exclusive minicomic though, and it was turning out pretty good so I want to give it a slightly more finished treatment than my usual sketchy minicomics.  Hopefully I will be able to post it this week, and hopefully by next week I will have the next page of Chapter 3 done as well.



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