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Taking this break from the comic has been good for me.  I've been sketching a lot, stretching my brain with various mental tasks, doing some reading and even some scripting.  I made a little game, met some cool people on DeviantArt who are into bondage.
It's been a good break, but the story of God Slayers, Kiva's story, must continue.
Here's my plan.  Starting in November when the comic relaunches, I'm going to be switching this Patreon to a monthly payment plan.  From then on, you will only be charged on the first of each month, with free access to everything for as long as you remain subscribed.
I'm going to be posting each of the full comic pages here when they are finished.  Basically as soon as I'm ready to call them finished.  And they won't be posted to other pages on the web until the chapter ends.  This way, I can thank my Patrons for supporting me, without snubbing anyone who just wants to read the comic for free.
I'm also going to start/continue posting little sketches every week on Wednesdays.  I've been doing this on FurAffinity ever since the comic went on hiatus, but I've been neglecting my Patreon like a dork.  So no more of that.  These weekly drawings will range from little practice doodles to little sketchy minicomics like the one I'm going to post today.
So the future of the comic looks bright.  I'm still improving as an artist, (though I still have a long way to go,) and I am excited to see what people think as I reveal more of Kiva's story.


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