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I'm going to be pausing my release schedule for a bit so I can rebuild my backlog of finished pages, reevaluate the pricing model for Patreon, and generate some of the extra lore content I want to make available on the main site.

My backlog of finished pages has been slowly shrinking since I launched in August.  I've been, for the most part, almost able to keep up with the one-per-week release, but only barely, and when you factor in all the weeks we've gone travelling, and the surgery I had this year... my backlog is basically gone.  While there is a page I could publish today, it's ugly and rushed.  Without the comfort of a strong buffer, the more pressure I have felt to play catch up.  This has resulted in me finding a general lack of motivation to draw and cutting corners where I'd really rather not.  Not every page has to be great, but I'd like each one to at least have something about it I'm proud of.  I want the freedom to experiment, to learn and grow and get better.  That's why I started this comic in the first place.  I don't want to mindlessly crank out content to meet an arbitrary release schedule that I picked in 2017.

Does this mean the comic is dead?  Absolutely not.  This is simply a short pause in publication.  I'm still going to be working my ass off to generate comic pages and rebuild my backlog to levels I can feel more comfortable with when I start publishing again.  I also want to generate additional art to use on the site for the lore section, and maybe even make a few shorter side-comics in the same universe about some of the different characters we've met, like Max and Twitch.  I've built a very rich universe for God Slayers, and I think (*hope) it's very interesting, but showing it from just Kiva's perspective is rather limited.  Ultimately, I want to finish telling Kiva's story.  I have to, for my own personal sanity.  It's a very long story, and the more time I delay, the longer it is going to take to tell it, so I don't want to delay it too long.

I'd like to keep posting art on a semi-regular basis.  Probably sketches, but maybe sometimes a little more than just sketches.  I feel that I owe it to the people who have been following God Slayers so far to not go totally silent while I'm working on making Chapter 3 as good as my current skills will allow.  There's my Patrons of course, (close friends and family all), but there's also  adavi123, coyabbit, and also VirgilTheDemonWolf.  Your kindness and attention has really helped to keep me excited and motivated.  I know there's also another 8-9 people who seem to be consistently following along with the comic.  You might be silent and invisible, but I still see you, and I love you.  <3

I'm hoping to start publishing Chapter 3 in the first week of November.  I think that it's important to hold myself to a specific date instead of leaving it at "some vague time in the future."  I may need to reevaluate this date, but for now, November is the goal.


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