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Hope you all enjoyed my silly little prank.  :P

ORIGINAL POST:  I have a few problems that are starting to become a serious hurdle to continuing the comic.
While I'm recovering from surgery, I haven't had hardly any time to draw... so I'm rapidly falling behind on available comics to post.   Furthermore, it has been brought to my attention that before the end of Chapter 2, Kiva's story has gotten really, really dark, and perhaps that's not quite the direction I meant to take it in.

So, my solution to these problems for now is to reboot the comic from the beginning, but this time, it will be narrated by Max, instead of Kiva.  Max is a character with a generally brighter perspective on the events that take place in Kiva's story.  By starting the story from the beginning again, I'm also buying myself plenty of time to recover and also rebuild a healthy backlog of posts for continuing the story in the future!



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