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So... working on Chapter 2 this week, I wanted to insert a page in-between page 24 and 25 after already having pre-drawn a bunch of sketches through page 30.  This mussed with my number scheme for a bit and my organization structure got all muddy for a moment before I went in and fixed it.  In my confusion, I saved the newest sketch for Page 27 as Page 26 in the wrong folder, and didn't realize it until today.  The finished page 26 was unfortunately too new for me to have backed it up recently and also too old for me to have any recoverable versions of it.

As a result, the nearly finished Page 26 has been reduced to one of its earliest sketch stages, from which I must now start again.

While this should normally be a moment of rage and frustration, I find myself sitting here with very much a blank expression, and my brain drifts between, "omg I was hoping to get a lot of work done on Page 27 today" to "hm... there were things on Page 26 I was sad I was unable to fix, and maybe this is an opportunity for me to do so."

Suffice to say, it sucks that this occurs during a time when my backlog has been pretty steadily shrinking anyway due to various challenges in Chapter 2 that are already hampering my ability to push forward.  A big part of this comic project involves my excitement about drawing and telling these stories, and this kind of thing really hurts because I'm definitely not excited to redraw this same page once more.  At the same time, I don't want to just half-ass it real quickly and move on.  But, I have to balance time and quality so that I can keep delivering comics on time every week at a level of quality I'm satisfied with.

So I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet.  Guess I should draw something.


Scott Swickard

Sorry, I am sure you will get it done on time and "right."


I'm not too worried. Fortunately I have finished comics to post through mid January, so I can screw up every once in awhile without disrupting the comic schedule. :3