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Woo!  Made it to October!  That means that God Slayers has been alive for two whole months and I've told approximately 1.67% of the planned story!

I feel like I should address an error I made last month.  In my excitement, I went ahead and set up a whole bunch of community stuff, a Discord server, Telegram stickers, and then proceeded to observe the fact that... well... I don't have a community yet.  Which is a fact I already knew, like... I've known from the start that this webcomic isn't going to blow up and be popular instantly, and probably not for a very long time.  I have low expectations, especially for the first couple of years.  Before people give me more than a passing glance, I have to first prove I can be consistent, that I'm not going anywhere, and that there's real value in the story and characters here.  Once I've proven all those things, eventually people will start to trickle in at their own pace.  So I jumped the gun on it a little bit, but the good news is, it'll be there for the future when a community does start to grow.

It's been interesting to watch the analytics.  As a brand new webcomic, the traffic was spikey as people discovered it, probably coming with a wide spectrum of expectations (and OwOs) from all walks of life because it was new and unknown and mysterious.  Then most of those visitors tapered off, such to the point where I'm not really seeing any visitors at all, aside from my beloved Patrons and a few dedicated followers on Furaffinity that have shown interest.  My theory for this is that many who came in with that initial burst of interest might have followed along with the story a little bit, read a few pages, and then made a quick judgement whether they were interested in it or not.  Some might decide to return later, once more of the story has been told so they can read it all at once, and some might decide never to return.  That's okay too!

 I'm excited for October though.  Chapter 1 starts off slow, but over the next four pages, I reveal more about Kiva and Kiera and the situation they find themselves in.  It's exciting to me because I'm really curious what you all will think!  Thank you all for reading, and I hope you're excited for what's coming next too!


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