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Where the hell did May go?


Well... May flew by, and now I'm about a month behind on comic pages, but that's okay.  I still have 12 pages ready to post in August, and everything I draw between now and then just gives me an even bigger, more cushiony backlog.

This is what I was talking about with that whole... like... life happens.  Stuff.  Which is why having a backlog is really important to me.  Which is also why I don't want to charge every month, just in case.

So, some of you might have seen Max for the first time in the comic pinup poster I drew.  Actually, I should probably post a higher res version here on Patreon as well.  Yeah.  Anyway, Max is... well... aside from Kiva, he's really become my favorite character.  I might make a big long post about him when he makes his debut in the comic.  It seems so far away, since he doesn't really show up until Chapter 3... but I gotta establish the story and plot first before he can completely derail it.  >.>

Anyhow... still trucking along.  Watching art tutorials, learning new things about photoshop.  My style is improving and also getting a little quicker with each new page I finish.  The first few pages of the comic look like absolute trash to me now, but I take that as a really good sign of just how much I've improved.

Only two months before launch.  Time to start panicking.  O.o


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